My old friend, Walter,
passed away many years ago. Before he
died he showed me a piece of quartz with a solid chunk of gold in it, about a one ounce
chunk. The peice I have in my hand is identical except for the gold. After walt
died His whife found the bag of silver . Under a microscope, the silver
peices turned out to be gold, silver, and garnet .
We are still looking for the gold pieces and walts other son told me the story
his father told him ..
" My
father's father and his partner pocketed these pieces of oar they hacked from the mine
wall. " The pick marks
are clearly visible on the lower piece. He said that" when they left the mine his partner
slipped a gold brick into Walter's father's pack".
I alwaws new about the old russian mine, a foot wide of quartz with doller
size ,paper thin peices of gold, burried under a small slide . One day I
realised the story tells exactly were it was The next day we went to work with our
gold panns. We panned the creek and sure enough , color ,good color.
After 1 month of searching the water shead we found it . This slide is all
that blocked us from a the mine.
What we had was a historic mine site, a very rich russian mine from 1912 . We
could have panned gold from the old placer mine and did pann a nugget, of
course when I told the gold commissioner , he said its elegal to placer mine , fishries.
Mcmilion Blodel found our mine clear cut it and buried the mine.
I even held title to the claim, un
fortunitly you wont find evidance of my records, some one burnt down the old mining
This is the story about the russian mine, I still ask his daughter about the
gold, when i see her.04
"They placer mined gold when they hit A foot wide vein of quartz with
paper thin, dollar size nuggets of gold running through out it.
They opened the mine before the war. When they returned they found the vein
covered by a slide they were unable to open the mine back up, in the 60s some one from the
cable station found the pitt and would pann 1 ounce per day, they never persued it
further. they may have not known about the vein under the slide" In
1996 I was chased of this mine but I held waltz mine.
Recently I asked Zena about her fathers gold , she said
their is no gold , "all he had was the quartz with gold in it. It sat on the
window sill till some one stold it."
Again I asked zena about her fathers gold, "she said we found a nugget in a
chickens goblet one time".
Walters silver peices under a microscope turned
out to be gold, silver,slate and garnit. The pictures below all come from the two peices
in my hand and were taken under a 5000 times myscriscope with a 35
milimeter camera built in.